1. Application server system requirements
System requirements for Resource Central 4.3 - Add-On Products
2. Pre-installation steps
The configuration detailed in this section must be carried out before Resource Central SAAS can be installed.
SQL server
The SQL server must allow SQL authentication, and we need a login during installation that allows us to create the 2 databases. Once databases are created DB_Owner rights suffice.
Further requirements:
- “Full-Text and Semantic Extraction for Search” feature must be installed.
Check with the following query:
Application server
We have the following requirements for the Windows Web server:
- .NET 4.8
- .NET 7 Webhosting bundle (download here)
- English language
- IIS and asp.net – see detailed list in box below:
NetFx4Extended-ASPNET45","IIS-WebServerRole","IIS-WebServer","IIS-CommonHttpFeatures","IIS-HttpErrors","IIS-HttpRedirect","IIS-ApplicationDevelopment","IIS-NetFxExtensibility45","IIS-HealthAndDiagnostics","IIS-HttpLogging","IIS-LoggingLibraries","IIS-RequestMonitor","IIS-Security","IIS-RequestFiltering","IIS-Performance","IIS-WebServerManagementTools","IIS-ManagementConsole","IIS-StaticContent","IIS-DefaultDocument","IIS-ISAPIExtensions","IIS-ISAPIFilter","IIS-HttpCompressionStatic","IIS-HttpCompressionDynamic","IIS-ASPNET45","IIS-ApplicationInit" |
Furthermore, these are strong recommendations:
- Assign a DNS A record (or a cname).
- We recommend using an SSL certificate for the website.
- Exclude services and folders as exemplified with Defender exclusions in box below:
Add-MpPreference -ExclusionProcess "C:\Program Files (x86)\Add-On Products\RealTime Service 6\RealTimeService.exe" Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "%programdata%\Add-On Products" Add-MpPreference -ExclusionProcess "C:\Program Files (x86)\Add-On Products\RC Synchronize Service\RCSynchronize.exe" Add-MpPreference -ExclusionProcess "C:\Program Files (x86)\Add-On Products\RC Permission Service\RCSettingPermissionServices.exe" Add-MpPreference -ExclusionProcess "C:\Program Files (x86)\Add-On Products\RCMaintenanceService\RCMaintenanceService.exe" Add-MpPreference -ExclusionProcess "C:\Program Files (x86)\Add-On Products\RC Tracking Service\RCTrackingService.exe" Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\ResourceCentral" |
Service account
We need a service account in the domain with the following:
- It requires a mailbox.
- Cannot be hidden in GAL.
- Must be member of “View only administrator” Exchange role. (Optional for use with permission visualization)
- Must be configured with “Application Impersonation Role” as described here:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/client-developer/exchange-web-services/how-to-configure-impersonation (From Microsoft)
https://support.add-on.com/article/273-steps-to-configure-application-impersonation-rights-in-exchange-servers (Our KB with some explanations) - Features that cannot be used when scope is applied to impersonation.
Impact of impersonation rights on some Resource Central features - Add-On Products
Resource mailboxes
Resource mailboxes must be created for rooms and equipment that should be part of Resource Central, and we recommend that the following is prepared.
- Add all rooms intended for Resource Central to a distribution list for management purposes.
- Ensure that resource scheduling is correctly set up.
- We recommend that you take steps to preserve the subject of meetings.
Below sample script does this for all resources in your organization:
Get-MailBox -Filter {(ResourceType -eq "Room") -or (ResourceType -eq "Equipment")} | Set-CalendarProcessing -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept -AddOrganizerToSubject $False -DeleteSubject $False |
- Use policies in Exchange to control who can book or request a room.
Firewall requirements
The Exchange connection method we use requires that traffic from Exchange EWS which is TCP port 10002 is allowed inbound through the firewall and subsequently NAT redirected to the server where Resource Central is running.
A complete list of all the communication ports we use with our Exchange connection tool (Realtime Service) can be found here (focus should be on push notification on port 10002 since the other inbound are used locally on the server):
3. Post-installation steps
The points below cannot be implemented until the Resource Central environment is running.
Office add-in deployment
We always recommend implementing FQDN for the Resource Central web site to get a nice name for the users that will connect to the backend, but also to allow for easy replacement in case a server dies.
In this case where the Office add-in is a topic, the following is required for the Resource Central web site:
- Must have a FQDN.
- The site must have a valid SSL certificate.
Here is some additional information surrounding the Office add-in from our knowledgebase:
- User guide:
- Implementation:
Outlook COM add-in deployment
This is the full com Outlook add-in which must be deployed to the client computers.
User guide: https://support.add-on.com/article/442-resource-central-user-guide
We have several Knowledgebase articles on this subject, and you will find some basic information in the guide associated with the add-in:
- Installation guide:
- Deployment guides:
https://support.add-on.com/article/570-how-to-perform-add-in-4-1-deployment-using-command-line-powershell-or-windows-terminal https://support.add-on.com/article/565-deploy-resourcefinder-as-an-win32-app-with-endpoint-manager-intune
- Additional topics:
https://support.add-on.com/article/343-outlook-2013-and-2016-may-disable-or-load-resource-finder-com-add-in-slowly https://support.add-on.com/article/469-alerts-on-add-in-produced-by-outlook
External authentication - SSO
Resource Central supports several SSO methods, as described in these support articles: https://support.add-on.com/search/all?utf8=%E2%9C%93&query=%22with+adfs%22
Applies to: RC 4.3+
Reference: TFS #297975
Knowledge base ID: 0306
Last updated: Jun 02, 2023
Anh Bach Duy