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Script to update database for use of RealTime Service 6.4.27+ on older versions of Resource Central



RealTime Service 6.4.27+ can work properly with Resource Central (RC) 4.0 SR1+.

But when it works with older versions of RC such as RC 3.8 HF10, RC 4.0 RTM, RC 4.0 HF 1 and HF2, an error usually arises that says something like this:

Error processing appointment for user room006 - 't5', start:9/22/2017 11:30:00 AM, end:9/22/2017 12:00:00 PM, created:9/22/2017 7:47:02 AM, modified:9/22/2017 7:47:03 AM, recurring:False : Invalid column name 'PrivateMeeting'.

In order for it to work with those older versions of RC, the following script is needed:


IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.columns WHERE Name = N'PrivateMeeting' and Object_ID = Object_ID(N'Reservations'))

ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Reservations] ADD PrivateMeeting BIT NOT NULL DEFAULT 0


Run this SQL script to add “PrivateMeeting” column to Reservations table in RC database.



Applies to: RC 3.8 RTM (3.8.0001.0256) to RC 4.0 HF1 (4.0.0001.0376)

Reference: TFS #133575

Knowledge base ID: 0220

Last updated: Nov 22, 2017

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