When logging in as a Service Desk Agent, you might see nothing displayed in Tasks screen:
In RC 3.8, a SQL schema have been updated (stored procedures and tables) in comparison with RC 3.7 and 3.7.10. This make SQL server take long time to re-compile those changes (maybe a few minutes). After the re-compiling is completed, the issue is gone.
When the RC 3.8 is installed and you have configured the application and upgraded the database (using RC Configuration Tool), run the following script in SQL server:
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[spEXECsp_RECOMPILE]') AND TYPE IN (N'P', N'PC')) DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[spEXECsp_RECOMPILE] GO SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spEXECsp_RECOMPILE] AS SET NOCOUNT ON -- 1 - Declaration statements for all variables DECLARE @TableName varchar(128) DECLARE @OwnerName varchar(128) DECLARE @CMD1 varchar(8000) DECLARE @TableListLoop int DECLARE @TableListTable table (UIDTableList int IDENTITY (1,1), OwnerName varchar(128), TableName varchar(128), ObjType varchar(128)) -- 2 - Outer loop for populating the database names INSERT INTO @TableListTable(OwnerName, TableName, ObjType) SELECT u.[Name], o.[Name], o.[type] FROM sys.objects o INNER JOIN sys.schemas u ON o.schema_id = u.schema_id WHERE o.Type in ('U','P') ORDER BY o.[type] -- 3 - Determine the highest UIDDatabaseList to loop through the records SELECT @TableListLoop = MAX(UIDTableList) FROM @TableListTable -- 4 - While condition for looping through the database records WHILE @TableListLoop > 0 BEGIN -- 5 - Set the @DatabaseName parameter SELECT @TableName = TableName, @OwnerName = OwnerName FROM @TableListTable WHERE UIDTableList = @TableListLoop -- 6 - String together the final backup command SELECT @CMD1 = 'EXEC sp_recompile ' + '[' + @OwnerName + '.' + @TableName + ']' + char(13) -- 7 - Execute the final string to complete the backups -- SELECT @CMD1 EXEC (@CMD1) -- 8 - Descend through the database list SELECT @TableListLoop = @TableListLoop - 1 END SET NOCOUNT OFF GO |
This script is to create [spEXECsp_RECOMPILE] stored procedure, which is used to recompile all changes in RC database (tables, stored procedures, etc.). This recompiling can improve access speed to RC database when user runs the system for the first time after upgrading.
After the [spEXECsp_RECOMPILE] is created in RC database, you need to run it by executing the following statement:
exec [dbo].[spEXECsp_RECOMPILE]
Applies to: All revisions of RC 3.8
Reference: TFS #64965
Knowledge base ID: 0189
Last updated: Mar 14, 2016
Rolf Szimnau